Monday, December 8, 2008

Where do I start...

On Saturday after breakfast Mom, dad, Cameron, Emery and met Ava, Hayden and Christy at Lake Shore to do arts and crafts. The kids made a penguin puppet.

After that Dad took the girls to the Aquarium. Unfortunately dad was also in charge of the photography so this is what he came home with....

you wouldn’t notice it from the photos but they had a great time. There favorite was the jelly fish.
After i took this so there would be a decent one of the day. haha

While they were exploring the aquarium mom and i went shopping for Xmas and b-days. It was fun.

Sunday was kevins birthday. So I got up at 7a and started breakfast. I made breakfast burritos. They were magically delicious. After Kevin was finished eating Cameron and Emery came in with some morning presents.

This past summer we had camerons 6th birthday party. Lots of fun, lots of cake and lots of people. here is a reminder....

But we new when the actual day came we would want to have a little celebration. So we had a joint party. Kevins actual birthday party and Camerons celebration of her actual birthday.

While mom and I got ready for the party celebration Kevin read stories to the girls and took Nina and Emery for a walk. We had chili, mac and cheese, camerons funfetti cake and Kevins cheese cake. Both Cameron and Kevin had fun. Kevin is so sick of regular cake so mom got him a cheese cake:

and i made cameron her funfetti cake:

Most of the time the 'adults' hung out upstairs and ate cake:

while the kids were playing downstairs:

I had no complaints! (like i'd care if i did)

They both received cool gifts!

Monday.. Kevin had off work so he went to Cameron's school to help out. In the morning mom, dad, emery and I hung out. It was a nice relaxing day. I wanted to nap but emery kept me reading to her. then i pawned her off on oma...

she was reading the new york times with oma and highlighting the letters in her name on the front page.....
in the afternoon papa and I took emery and lilli to the library where all they wanted to do was look at the movies. they finally picked out some books and we went to redbox to rent a movie. hahaa
when we got home we read some more....

it started snowing HUGE snow flakes. I tried to capture them coming down but all i got was blobs...

so here are some scenic views of the snow from my yard.....

tonight Dan, Kristy, Liam and Quinn came for dinner. it was really great to see them!

Kevin went on a movie date with todd for his birthday and now I am off to bed.... FINALLY!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the day after

tuesday morning was challenging. not only for me. Cameron did not want to get out of bed. the only reason she let me get her dressed was her hello kitty socks. but after a yummy french toast breakfast she is off to school. Sense we were out late last night i I let emery sleep in. she had dance at 930a and last week she went super tired and made everyone in the class miserable. i was miserable watching it.... I didn't watch it but Miss Meghan told me she was much better this week! Only 1 more class till the recital! here is a sneak peek!

I started making christmas ornaments today. i am excited to see how they look. i would add pictures of them but.... then if anyone actually looks at this that is getting one would see there christmas present early.

Emery went to preschool. When I picked up Cameron she told me that she and a boy Davin ran into each other she had a bloody nose and now has another loose tooth. One of the top middle. If she keeps this up we are going to have to feed her apple sauce till some of her teeth come in.
We picked Emery up at school and when we got home we started on homework. After dinner and homework was finished we went up to the store to exchange camerons princess dress. she loves her new one. but it managed to get a hole with in the first few minutes. I was considering taking that back. Getting a new one. But then i realized that i would be getting a new one every day and maybe the stores would get sick of me. oh well. she doesn't mind the whole so why should i. :)

the only thing i can recall about Wednesday is Cameron coming home from school with a love note from Brady. she was so gitty that i was thinking what can i do to this boy to get rid of him... hahaaa just kidding. she wanted to bring the note to dance class to show her teacher but left it in the car.

cameron had a 1/2 day due to parent teacher conferences so she had her friend isabella come over and play. we made ornaments and snowmen.

then they went outside to play. we went to parent teacher conferences that night. and cameron is going very well so far. that night we went to sunflower market to do there arts and crafts project and it was suppose to be tuesday. i missed it. hahaa

school was a 1/2 day like always on friday. this morning lilli took a huge nap and emery and i hung out. i did some cleaning and then christy came over with an egg nog latte. yummmmmmy.
around 3 we told the girls that i had to pick up a package at the airport. mom and dad were going to be there and we surprised the girls.
they were really surprised.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cameron is SIX!

December 6, 2002 (six days old)

December 31, 2002

June 15, 2003

December 31, 2003

March 13, 2004

November 11, 2004

February 19, 2005

December 31, 2005 - her first trim....

January 15, 2006

June 10, 2006

January 11, 2007 First Day of Preschool

March 23, 2007 first real hair cut!

December 10, 2007

May 27, 2008

September 6, 2008 her birthday celebration for 6!


Cameron Pearl is so independent now that I cant imagine the trouble I am going to be in when she is in 4th grade. Much less 8th. UGH
We finished the cupcakes and decorated it with a huge Hello Kitty face on it like a big cake sheet. You will be surprised to hear that I failed to take a picture. In fact the only picture I took when at Cameron's school was:
Maxwell, a student in her class. HAHA Yes, there was to much to do. But she had fun! Miss Mindy gave her a necklace badge that said she was 6 today. That made her feel really special.
This morning when she got up she was miserable
until she remembered it was her happy birthday which didn't take long because after we sat on her bed and flashed her with my camera then sang happy birthday. I think that may have been a give-away..... So we started out the morning pretty normal except for the presents on the table and a Happy Birthday banner hanging above the door.
We had blueberry pancakes with strawberries on the side. Then we let her open presents. NEW SCHOOL CLOTHES! Tights and a pink shirt:
Then off to school. Lilli was with us today so Emery Lilli and I stayed at school to play and help till lunch. We went home to nap and have lunch and got back just in time to have the big celebration. It was so cute, they sang happy birthday in english and spanish!
Later that night Nana, Jason, Chelece, Emery, Kevin, Cameron and I went out for a birthday dinner at the Mayan Restaurant. Everyone had a great time.

We were all completely stuffed but we ordered dessert and sang happy birthday.

She was so excited to get another present!

When we got home it was way passed bed time bit we let her try on her new ballerina dress up!

She loves it but its really bad quality so tomorrow we get to take it back and get something she really wants! She is just as excited about that! We read our stories and both girls stayed in bed! Now its my turn!